Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners 2024

Understanding Affiliate Program

In today’s video, we’re going to cover Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners 2024 and how the affiliate program is working. We’re going to see how to apply, how to create the funnels, how to get the traffic for your links, and all the tools that they’ve given us for free. The last one is really unique, so let’s get started with this one.

Exploring’s All-in-One Marketing Solution

Basically, you probably already know what is all about. It’s all about marketing, and there are a lot of people out there who just want to market their things, right? They want to get funnels; they want to get email things. They want to build websites, create online courses, and in the end, they want to automate it. And all of this is within one tool, alright? Usually, you have many tools for this. I can just think of five of these tools that just do this separately, but has all of it under one price.

The Pricing Structure and Affiliate Opportunity

Now, you can see these prices: $27 per month, $47 per month, up to $97 per month. Don’t worry; you don’t have to pay for it because to become an affiliate for, you don’t have to be a customer. That is a good thing, as you can see; anyone can become. You don’t need to be a customer; you don’t need to pay this. But why are these prices so important? Well, you get 60% lifetime commissions, alright? This is important to know because all of these subscriptions, they’re monthly based. This means that you will get this commission every month from each one of your clickers.

Unlocking Affiliate Benefits

So, for example, if you just get someone to get the $27 per month startup plan, you will get $16.2 out of each monthly subscription, reoccurring, alright? So that’s $16 for only one person for the lowest plan. Just imagine what would happen if you get 50 of these or if you could just half of it; with this, double the money. All in all, the money is good.

Becoming a Affiliate: Easy Steps

Now, let’s just jump over to how to create yourself an account. You can simply Google for referrals program, or you can just go over to their homepage, scroll all the way down to the bottom, and click on this “Become an Affiliate.” In here, you can just enter your email address in this box, and voila, you’re an affiliate. Now, they’ve got a lot of introductory videos, a lot of introductory guides, and you can check them all out in these steps. So you can just find all of this on their website; they’re really kind to do so.

Leveraging Free Tools and Resources

And what I really like about this one that we’re going to talk about later is that they will give you free stuff, alright? And you can use this free stuff to leverage people. For example, you can just give something to someone for free in order for them to check out, and that is a far easier thing to do. So, for example, if you are into Amazon’s affiliate marketing, you would have to drive traffic from TikTok, from Instagram, and you will not get any help from Amazon itself. Same goes with DigiStore and all these people are doing it. They create the content; they have their links in the bio, and when someone clicks on their links, they have a conversion rate but no help from Amazon, no help from DigiStore 24, no help at all, and you have to create loads of content, sometimes even just showing your face., you don’t have to.

Navigating the Dashboard: A Walkthrough

Now, when you land inside your dashboard, this is how it’s going to look like. This is a brand new account, and I’ll show you how to create the funnel. So you can just head over to these funnels and then click on the “Create” here. And then you just have to name this funnel and choose the goal for this funnel. So it’s going to be “Build an Audience.” We want to build an audience, and we want to collect email addresses, alright? The reason is pretty simple because as you get more emails, you can continue to get those emails and send a lot of emails to those people promoting over and over again. And with all of these tools that they give you for free, it’s going to be a breeze because people like getting things for free, you know? If they get an ebook for something related to marketing and they desperately need marketing to learn some things about it when they just get a free ebook about it, well, they’re just going to listen to your email.

Setting Up Your First Funnel – A Step-by-Step Guide

So just name this funnel. I’m just going to name it like “Mr. Money,” and then just “Build an Audience.” Currency, you can choose, as you can see; there are many of these. Click on the save button, and right away, you can just proceed to make yourself a landing page.

Choosing Your Traffic Source and Building Content

Now, this part I will not cover because it’s all going to be dependent on you. Firstly, you have to choose the traffic source, and then you have to put the link in this funnel. But the traffic source you must choose for yourself. I’m just going to show you a few options.

Content Creation Strategies for Success

The first thing that you can do is you can just record your screen and you can talk into the microphone of your laptop, and you can create a simple tutorial about And you can just put the link down there in the description, alright? Your affiliate link. YouTube has a lot of traffic. People are just using YouTube as a search engine. Look what happens if I just type in Systemy, alright? So you’ve got review, email campaign, website, email list, blog. These are all the things that can be done with, and people are searching for that. YouTube is kind enough to give us the search results; all we have to do is to make an answer to these questions, these search results. And they say that the quickest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. So it’s a simple thing; you just get the problem that people are searching for. They’re looking for an answer, and then, of course, you just make a video about it and put your link down there. That’s the first one.


In summary, the affiliate program offers a comprehensive toolkit for marketers. From its all-in-one capabilities to a lucrative commission structure, the platform provides a versatile canvas for affiliate success. Whether through YouTube tutorials, Medium articles, or alternative traffic sources, the key lies in consistency and creativity. With a user-friendly dashboard and the potential for substantial returns, opens doors for affiliates to carve their niche and thrive in the world of online marketing. Best of luck on your affiliate journey!

Credit Goes To:

Youtube : Mr. Money