2024 | How to Setup Custom Domain & Email | New Trick

In this tutorial, I’m going to be showing you step by step exactly 2024 | How to Setup Custom Domain & Email | New Trick.

Overview of Custom Domain Setup

Okay, so the overview for this tutorial – we’re going to be setting up a custom domain for using Namecheap. Namecheap is probably one of the most famous and best places to get a business domain from. It’s also one of the most cost-effective as well.

Namecheap Setup

So, for this tutorial, I’m going to be using Namecheap, but the same principles apply if you’re using something else like GoDaddy or what have you. So inside the dashboard, you want to scroll to the little arrow that’s next to your profile and then click on Settings. And then, on the left-hand menu, you want Setup Custom Domain to scroll down to custom domains.

Initial Setup

Now, if you haven’t already set up a custom domain, you’ll have something here that looks like this. It’ll be your username, whichever name you created to sign up to with, dot, and you’ll probably only have that. So we really want to be getting your own custom brand domain inside you. So, whatever you got it from, Namecheap, GoDaddy, any place, you want to click on Add Domain here, and they’re going to ask you for your domain name.

Adding Custom Domain

Now, here’s one of the things that may trip you up. You need to put the www dot before you enter in the domain name. So, the one I’m going to use is one I’m not using at the moment for anything else. And just make sure you put the www in front of it and click Save. Now, what’s going to happen here is it’s going to give me a bunch of what we call CNAME records, and then we’re going to add those to the DNS of our custom domain. Don’t worry if that sounds too technical. It’s just simply copying and pasting a few things.

DNS Configuration

Okay, so we can see here it’s generated as what we call two CNAME records, which we will then need to add to Namecheap or to whatever you pull it from. Now, the conventions from the right-hand side differ a little bit from the left-hand side. We’ll do the right-hand side first, and I’ll show you why in a second.

DNS Records Management

So, if you go to your domain name itself and then you click on Manage, and we want to go into the DNS of our domain name. So, before it loads up, I’m going to click on Advanced DNS, and it’ll be pretty much the same whichever platform you’re using. And we can see here we’ve got our host records, and there’s actually none there. If it’s a brand new domain name, you probably will have some CNAME records already here.

DNS Record Cleanup

The first step is to go ahead and simply delete them because you do not need them anymore, and it’ll just cause confliction if you leave them there. So once you’ve deleted them and you’ve got no records found for CNAME, we want to go ahead and click Add New Record. I’m going to scroll down, and we’re going to pick CNAME record.

CNAME Record Configuration

And we can see we’ve got two sections here, host and value. So if we go back to, host is on the left, and value is on the right. But let’s do the value first. And when we copy the values here, we want to make sure we get the whole thing, including the full stop on the end, okay?

Value Configuration

So, on the right-hand side, we want to get the full stops. On the left-hand side, we don’t. I’ll show you that in a second. So, you want to copy all this, and I simply want to paste this into value. And then on this side, We don’t want the dot, and this is because Namecheap itself will take into account anything that happens after the www. It does it automatically. So you want to click on Save Changes, and that’s the first one there.

Second CNAME Record Configuration

So, for the first one, for this one, just www, and for the second one, we want the whole thing, including the full stopThat’s important. Now, let’s go ahead and add this second CNAME. Add new record. Let’s find CNAME again, and once again, let’s copy all the right-hand side, including the full stop at the end, and put that into your value. And then in your host, we want everything up to here. So basically, the bit we want from this side is the long mishmash hash of letters and numbers, this big gigantic thing here. We don’t want the dot, and we don’t want the rest of the domain name, okay?

Second CNAME Record Addition

So, we want to go ahead and copy it. And then I’m gonna paste that into there, and then I’m gonna click Save ChangesSo it’s probably gonna take a few minutes for this to kind of, what I’m testing custom domain going to do is I’m just going to refresh this page, and we can see my new domain name has appeared here, and it’s pending validation. So this can take anywhere from up to a few minutes to 24 hours. Usually, between and Namecheap, the connection is pretty good, and it authenticates pretty quickly. And by the end of this tutorial, this may actually be done. You may have to go away, make a cup of tea, cook dinner, whatever you do, and you come back, and it’ll be ready. But when it is, it’ll say “Ready to use” there. So, the domain name is usually pretty quick, and that is how easy it is to get your custom domain name up and running with Namecheap. And if you want to test it, let’s go into Funnels, and let’s create a new funnel. We’ll just say, “Dummy Domain Test.” And when you get to click here, select your custom domain, we can see, “Oh, it’s already appeared here. My new custom domain.” So, that shows that it is, in fact, connected and working. And that is how easy it is to do it. Okay, it’s really, really painless, as long as you follow the conventions and you know exactly what you need to copy and paste. Okay, so now we’re gonna go and move on to making sure that we’re using a business email address and how to authenticate that for improved deliverability.

Setting Up Business Email Address

Okay, so we’re back here in Settings, which you click on the arrow here next to your profile. And instead of going to Custom Domain this time, we go to Mailing Settings.

Email Address Configuration

Now, we can see what your sender email address will be from here., by default, will automatically set your sender email address to the email address that you signed up to with. Now, very often, this probably won’t be the email address you want to send emails .You know, I signed up to this with my personal email address. I mean, I got this email address from Namecheap itself because it also does private email. You don’t have to use Namecheap if you don’t want to. You can get an email address from your existing hosting provider. You can use a business email address inside Gmail with G Suite. It’s completely up to you, right?

Email Address Authentication

But you need to go ahead and set that up first or purchase it, purchase your plan, whatever you need to do. Okay, once you know what your email address is going to be, we simply do a very similar thing to authenticate it like we do with the custom domain. Now, it’s worth noting at this point, you don’t actually need to do this part You could simply put your email address in here and away you go. But I always recommend setting up domain authentication because it does improve your delivery rate. Because it gives your emails more authority so that they won’t go into the spam box. We all hate spam. And if you’re in a kind of a niche where, you know, you’re using risky terms like “make money online” and things like that, then this is one of the things you can definitely do to improve it.

Email Authentication Setup

So what we’re going to do here is we’re going to click on “Setup,” and in your domain name, you’re going to type in your email address. So, I’m just going to use this as a dummy. I’m just going to say, which is another email address I have. Okay, and click “Continue.”

Domain Authentication Configuration

And now here we have another set of CNAMEs to add to authenticate our email address. Okay, now if we go back into the CNAME records here, we want to keep the ones we use for our custom domain, and we simply want to add three more CNAME records.

CNAME Records for Email Authentication

Now, for this, we need to use the same name conventions as we used before. On the right-hand side for the values, you want to copy the whole thing, but with these three values for this first one here, you only want to copy the bunch of letters and numbers you get, okay? You don’t want the dot, and you don’t want your domain name there. And with these two domain keys here, same thing again. Make sure you copy the full things on the value side inside this name, yeah? We want it all the way up to the end of the domain keywords, so we don’t want the dot there, and we don’t want the rest of your domain name.

Value Configuration for Email Authentication

So, we would go ahead and we would copy from the end of this word. As on this side, we don’t want any of the full stop. So, just this bit, and then just this bit, and then just this bit, and away you go. And you do it exactly the same way as we did with the custom domain. Once you’ve done that, it’ll come up as penned in here. Now, this will take a bit longer than it takes to register or authenticate your custom domain for whatever reasons. I have had to leave this overnight sometimes, and then it’ll say approved or it’ll say verified. Right now, it says pending, so it’s going to go ahead and delete that because I don’t want it to do it. But that is how easy it is. If you’ve done it exactly as I’ve shown you and follow the conventions with the copying and pasting, you’ll have no problems at all adding your custom domain or verifying your new business email address.

Credit Goes To:

Youtube: Steve Harvey – Make Money Online