Best Free Funnel Builder? How to Use for Affiliate Marketing 2024 Viral Method

Affiliate Marketing Funnel Building

Hey everyone, Welcome back here. In this video, I’m going to show you Best Free Funnel Builder? How to Use for Affiliate Marketing and how to build a two-step sales funnel for affiliate marketing using Now, a lot of beginner affiliate marketers make the mistake of sending their traffic straight to an affiliate link, straight to their offer without sending traffic through a sales funnel first. This is a huge mistake because most people will not buy a product or service online, especially if it’s the very first time they’re seeing it. But with a proper sales funnel, we can collect emails before sending people to the offer. That way, in case they don’t buy it, we can follow up with email marketing and even promote more products to them in the future. This is crucial if you want to build a long-term business as an affiliate marketer. Empowering Your Affiliate Marketing Journey

Before we delve into the details, let me provide a brief introduction to This is a funnel-building software that also includes a built-in autoresponder. You can build sales funnels to collect emails and send out email marketing campaigns with The best part is that you can do all of this on the free plan. They do have some paid plan options, but everything I’m going to show you in this video is all on the free plan.

Decoding the Anatomy of a Sales Funnel

Just in case you don’t know what a sales funnel looks like, it’s basically going to be these two pages: the squeeze page and the bridge page. Traffic comes from any source, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or even paid ads. You send it to a squeeze page first to collect the email. Then, on the bridge page, you introduce the offer, and the link on the bridge page is going to be your affiliate link. In this tutorial, I’m just going to go over these two pages: the squeeze page and the bridge page.

Building Your Funnel: Step-by-Step Guide with

Okay, so we’re in We just signed up, and we’re on the free plan. You’re gonna click up here on funnels and then go over here where it says create. You want to build an audience because, remember, we want to build that email list. The name of the funnel doesn’t really matter. Just call it “video.” I’m going to create the funnel, and as you can see, we already have these pre-made templates to work with. Now, I recommend something simple. You don’t want your viewers to be distracted; you really want them to just take action, put their email in, and go through the funnel. So we’re going to select this one right here. It’s a pretty simple, straightforward funnel. As you can see, is really smart; they already created the squeeze page and the thank you page here. We just have to edit them and make them look how we want.

Crafting a Compelling Squeeze Page

So, we’re going to go over here to edit the page. Now, for this funnel, obviously, the way you build it is going to depend on what product you’re promoting. For this funnel, I’m going to be promoting the 15-day challenge by Legendary Marketer. Now, this is a course that teaches people how to build a high-ticket affiliate marketing business. For the headline of the opt-in page, I’m going to make it something like “For anyone who wants to start a business but doesn’t know where to begin.” Something like that. It’s very similar to the headline on the sales page, so when people go through the funnel and they end up on the other, the sales video, they’re going to feel like they’ve been on the same website the whole time. It’s not a huge leap; it’s not a completely different website.

Optimizing Your Squeeze Page for Conversions

Now, for the sub-headline and even the button label, these are honestly fine as they came. But if you did want to change them, you would just click on it and type in whatever you want. You can bold the font if you want; you can italicize them. And for the button, you can change the text. You just click on this little gear here, go over to the left, and you can change the text right here. But I’m actually just going to leave it because that actually works with what we’re promoting.

Enhancing Your Funnel with Irresistible Offers

If you really want to increase your conversions and get more people to put their email in, I recommend giving out some sort of free gift, even if it’s just an ebook, a PDF file of some ebook. You can usually send that out through your first email, and that’s a great way to get people to actually enter their email. But if you don’t have a free gift to give out, what you can do—and as it’s pretty much done here already—is you frame the sales video as a gift. So, you see, “Enter your name and email to receive the free video training.” This is just going to be the sales video on the sales page, but the way it’s framed here makes it like that video is actually a gift in itself. And, to be honest, the sales video for the 15-day challenge does have a lot of great information, so it pretty much is a training video in itself.

Saving Changes and Progressing to the Thank You Page

The last thing we’re going to do is go up here to save changes and then hit this exit button.

Acknowledging Subscriber Engagement on the Thank You Page

Back in the funnel builder, the squeeze page is done. It’s that simple. Now, we’re going to go to the thank you page. As you see, they already have some templates created for you. I’m going to do this one because it’s very simple, and go over here to the little wand to edit the page.

Expressing Gratitude on the Thank You Page

And the same as before, we’re going to change the background color. So we just select the section and go over here to the background color and try to make it as similar as you can to the first page. And now we can probably get rid of this; we don’t need this. So we can just click that and delete it. Again, we can change the color of this to make it kind of match the rest of the website like green. You know, it’s just graphic design; it’s not really that important. What’s more important is the words on the screen and the messages that you’re relaying to your viewer. So “Thank you for subscribing” is fine. We can even make it simple, “Thank you for entering your email” or just “Thank you” in general. That works totally fine.

Bridge Page for Seamless Transition

Now, if you really want to increase your conversions and get more people to put their email in, I recommend giving out some sort of free gift, even if it’s just an ebook, a PDF file of some ebook. You can usually send that out through your first email, and that’s a great way to get people to actually enter their email. But if you don’t have a free gift to give out, what you can do—and as it’s pretty much done here already—is you frame the sales video as a gift. So, you see, “Enter your name and email to receive the free video training.” This is just going to be the sales video on the sales page, but the way it’s framed here makes it like that video is actually a gift in itself. And, to be honest, the sales video for the 15-day challenge does have a lot of great information, so it pretty much is a training video in itself.

Optimizing Your Bridge Page for Maximum Impact

Now, it’s super simple to add a video in Systeme. You’re just going to go over here to “Assist to Video” on the left-hand side and just drag this video over. Just drag this up here, and for the videos, you have a few options. So, to upload your video, you want to click on the gear here, and you could either upload a video directly to YouTube and then put the YouTube URL there, or you could go into “Upload File,” and you could upload a file directly from your computer. So you would have to click “Upload,” select “File,” and then go through your computer and upload whatever video you want. I’m not going to do that right now, but that just shows you how simple it is. So imagine you have a video of yourself; a bridge page video can be really simple. You really just want to introduce yourself and talk about the product, tell maybe tell what it’s done for you and what it can do for them if they decide to purchase it.

Crafting a Persuasive Message on Your Bridge Page

We’re just going to change the text a little bit. Make this say, “Please watch the video, then click the button below.” And see if that looks fine. We can make this… we can honestly get rid of this. What you would ideally want on your bridge page is to talk about the product a little more. Well, you’re going to talk about the product in the video, but maybe have some bullet points, some information about the product itself, maybe some testimonials about other people who have bought the product. You’re basically pre-selling your traffic before you actually introduce the sales video. It’s going to help you increase conversions, but ultimately, you’re going to have their email, so you can follow up with any information you want to share down the line.

Highlighting Key Features on the Bridge Page

So, we’re just going to change a few things here to make it more specific about the product: “Learn how you can start a profitable online business in just 15 days, even if you have no experience or failed in the past.” So, here we go. And then we’re going to click this button and just change this, change the text here. So, again, you just click the little gear, go over to the left, and to find where it says the text right here, button text under typography, we’re just going to make this say, “Get started” with an exclamation point. I mean, again, you can change the color the same way. You hit the gear and just find the color on here. You can make it green. It’s a good idea to kind of keep the same colors throughout your whole funnel. And ideally, you can match the colors to the sales video for whatever product you’re promoting. So, if we go over here to the 15-day challenge, you see the button that says “Get started” is green. So, try to kind of match that as best as you can for whatever product it is.

Embedding Your Affiliate Link for Seamless Redirection

Now, most importantly, you want to make sure you have your affiliate link on this button. So, I’m going to go over to Legendary Marketer to get the affiliate link just to show you where it is. You go up here to account. In case you’re promoting this product as well, you go to affiliates, click on funnels, go to business challenge, click on affiliate links, go down. You want to make sure you get the sales page right here. Copy the affiliate link. And now we’re going to go back to again. Click on the little gear here with the button, and go over here, action when button clicked. Make sure it’s on “Open URL,” and then you’re just going to copy or paste your affiliate link right there. And you can make it open in the same window or a new window. It really doesn’t matter. I’m going to keep it the same window. And make sure we save our changes.

Adding a Legal Touch with an Affiliate Disclaimer

And of course, you can make it look prettier than this. This is just a simple tutorial to show you basically the basics that you do need. I recommend a video on your bridge page and obviously the affiliate link leading people to the offer after you’ve collected the email. Now, one last thing you want to have on your bridge page is an affiliate disclaimer. You want to let people know that the product you’re about to link them to is not your product. You’re simply an affiliate, and you will earn a commission if they decide to buy that product. So, I’m going to drag over a content box. Actually, no, I think we’re just going to drag over a row right here. We’re going to drag this over, and then we’re going to add some text to it. So go over here, select text, and the same thing. You just drag it over, and I’m going to just make this an affiliate disclaimer.

Clarifying Your Role as an Affiliate Marketer

So, I am an affiliate for the name of the company. I will earn a commission if you decide to click a link on this page and make a purchase. You could say as much or as little as you want in an affiliate disclaimer, as long as you get across this main point. Let me just move my picture so you can see it right there. It can be really simple; it doesn’t have to be a lot. But this is a necessary legal disclaimer, so don’t forget this when you’re doing affiliate marketing. So, after we’ve saved our changes, we’re going to hit exit, and we can see how this works. Let’s go back to our squeeze page, let’s view the page. So, this is the page. I’m just going to put in a name and whatever email at yahoo and see if this goes through.

Testing Your Funnel: From Entry to Conversion

Send me the video training. All right, brought us to the thank you page. If you uploaded a video, there would be a video, but I didn’t actually upload a real video, so it’s blank. But it looks fine. Learn how you can start a profitable business in 15 days. Get started with And we click this; it should bring us right to the affiliate offer where you could click through and end up on the checkout page. Hey, guys, that’s going to be it for the video. I just showed you how to build a squeeze page and a bridge page for affiliate marketing using

Credit Goes To:

Youtube : Jacob Mitchell